Download FMJ
FMJ is available for download in ZIP and TAR bundles
from You can also download previous releases from the same location. However,
we still recommend to use the latest version of FMJ.

You can directly get the latest source from CVS :
# cvs login
CVS password: <Hit Enter>
# cvs -z3 co -P fmj
Sample Media
Use media library in order
to test your FMJ applications or FMJ Studio.
Download FFMPEG-Java
FFMPEG-Java is available for download in ZIP and TAR bundles
from Or directly get the latest source from CVS (FFMPEG-Java is not the same project as JFFMPEG) :
# cvs login
CVS password: <Hit Enter>
# cvs -z3 co -P ffmpeg-java
Download Theora-Java
Theora-Java is available for download in ZIP and TAR bundles
from Or directly get the latest source from CVS :
# cvs login
CVS password: <Hit Enter>
# cvs -z3 co -P theora-java
Download LTI-CIVIL
LTI-CIVIL is a library capable of detecting available capture devices and returning
a civil: datasource. Visit LTI-CIVIL's website for more details and downloads.