Class ChooseSourcePanelDescriptor

  extended by net.sf.fmj.ui.wizard.WizardPanelDescriptor
      extended by net.sf.fmj.ui.wizards.ChooseSourcePanelDescriptor

public class ChooseSourcePanelDescriptor
extends WizardPanelDescriptor

Ken Larson

Field Summary
static java.lang.String IDENTIFIER
Fields inherited from class net.sf.fmj.ui.wizard.WizardPanelDescriptor
Constructor Summary
ChooseSourcePanelDescriptor(ProcessorWizardConfig config, ProcessorWizardResult result)
Method Summary
 boolean aboutToDisplayPanel(java.lang.Object prevId)
          Override this method to provide functionality that will be performed just before the panel is to be displayed.
 boolean aboutToHidePanel(java.lang.Object idOfNext)
          Override this method to perform functionality just before the panel is to be hidden.
 java.lang.Object getBackPanelDescriptor()
          Override this class to provide the Object-based identifier of the panel that the user should traverse to when the Back button is pressed.
 ChooseSourcePanel getChooseSourcePanel()
 java.lang.Object getNextPanelDescriptor()
          Override this class to provide the Object-based identifier of the panel that the user should traverse to when the Next button is pressed.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.fmj.ui.wizard.WizardPanelDescriptor
displayingPanel, getPanelComponent, getPanelDescriptorIdentifier, getWizard, getWizardModel, setPanelComponent, setPanelDescriptorIdentifier, showError, showError
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String IDENTIFIER
Constructor Detail


public ChooseSourcePanelDescriptor(ProcessorWizardConfig config,
                                   ProcessorWizardResult result)
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getNextPanelDescriptor()
Description copied from class: WizardPanelDescriptor
Override this class to provide the Object-based identifier of the panel that the user should traverse to when the Next button is pressed. Note that this method is only called when the button is actually pressed, so that the panel can change the next panel's identifier dynamically at runtime if necessary. Return null if the button should be disabled. Return FinishIdentfier if the button text should change to 'Finish' and the dialog should end.

getNextPanelDescriptor in class WizardPanelDescriptor
Object-based identifier.


public java.lang.Object getBackPanelDescriptor()
Description copied from class: WizardPanelDescriptor
Override this class to provide the Object-based identifier of the panel that the user should traverse to when the Back button is pressed. Note that this method is only called when the button is actually pressed, so that the panel can change the previous panel's identifier dynamically at runtime if necessary. Return null if the button should be disabled.

getBackPanelDescriptor in class WizardPanelDescriptor
Object-based identifier


public ChooseSourcePanel getChooseSourcePanel()


public boolean aboutToDisplayPanel(java.lang.Object prevId)
Description copied from class: WizardPanelDescriptor
Override this method to provide functionality that will be performed just before the panel is to be displayed.

aboutToDisplayPanel in class WizardPanelDescriptor


public boolean aboutToHidePanel(java.lang.Object idOfNext)
Description copied from class: WizardPanelDescriptor
Override this method to perform functionality just before the panel is to be hidden.

aboutToHidePanel in class WizardPanelDescriptor