Packages | |
com.lti.utils | General utilities. |
com.lti.utils.collections | Provides an assortment of collection classes and data structures. |
com.lti.utils.synchronization | Provides utilities for thread synchronization. |
com.t4l.jmf | JPEG encoder/decoder codecs from Jeremy Wood. |
fi.iki.elonen.nanohttpd | A simple, tiny, nicely embeddable HTTP 1.0 server in Java. |
javax.media | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.bean.playerbean | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.cdm | Internal implementation of javax.media.CaptureDeviceManager. |
javax.media.control | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.datasink | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.format | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.pim | Internal implementation of javax.media.PlugInManager. |
javax.media.pm | Internal implementation of javax.media.PackageManager. |
javax.media.protocol | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.renderer | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.rtp | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.rtp.event | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.rtp.rtcp | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
javax.media.util | Standard JMF package -- see this package in the JMF Javadoc. |
memetic.crypto | RTP encryption. |
net.java.sip.communicator.impl.media.codec | From SIP-Communicator: core codec implementation constants. |
net.java.sip.communicator.impl.media.codec.audio | From SIP-Communicator: core audio codec implementation utilities. |
net.java.sip.communicator.impl.media.codec.audio.ilbc | From SIP-Communicator: ILBC/RTP encoder/decoder. |
net.java.sip.communicator.impl.media.codec.audio.speex | From SIP-Communicator: SPEEX/RTP encoder/decoder. |
net.sf.fmj.apps.applet | FmjApplet: Media playback applet. |
net.sf.fmj.apps.mediaserver | FmjMediaServer: media server application which can stream and transcode on the fly. |
net.sf.fmj.apps.play | FmjPlay: A simple FMJ player application. |
net.sf.fmj.apps.transcode | FmjTranscode: A command-line transcoder application. |
net.sf.fmj.codegen | Code generation utilities, useful for generating unit tests. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.controls | EJMF: RateControl: Provides a generic Control over a Controller's rate. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.gui.controlpanel | EJMF: Control panel GUI. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.gui.controls | EJMF: Control panel GUI controls. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.gui.controls.skins.ejmf | EJMF: Control panel GUI controls - EJMF skin. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.gui.controls.skins.two | EJMF: Control panel GUI controls - #2 skin. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.install | EJMF: The PackageUtility class provides methods to register or remove package prefixes from the Java Media Framework's persistant lists of protocol and content prefix lists. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.media | EJMF: abstract base classes for Controller, Player, etc. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.media.event | EJMF: special event class used by AbstractPlayer. |
net.sf.fmj.ejmf.toolkit.util | EJMF: utility classes. |
net.sf.fmj.ffmpeg_java | FFMPEG Demultiplexer (parser). |
net.sf.fmj.filtergraph | Classes for filter graphs consisting of demultiplexers, codecs, renderers, etc. |
net.sf.fmj.gst.media.content.unknown | gstreamer-java content handler (Player). |
net.sf.fmj.media | General FMJ classes, including abstract base classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.cdp | Global capture device plugger, calls all protocol-specific pluggers. |
net.sf.fmj.media.cdp.civil | LTI-CIVIL video capture DataSource: capture device plugger. |
net.sf.fmj.media.cdp.javasound | JavaSound DataSource: capture device plugger. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec | General codec implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec.audio | General audio codec implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec.audio.alaw | ALAW audio codec and RTP packetizer/depacketizer implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec.audio.ulaw | ULAW audio codec and RTP packetizer/depacketizer implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec.video | General video codec implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec.video.jpeg | JPEG video codec and JPEG/RTP packetizer/depacketizer implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.codec.video.lossless | Lossless (but expensive in terms of size) image codec implementation classes, including MGIF and MPNG. |
net.sf.fmj.media.content.unknown | The main "Unknown" content handler. |
net.sf.fmj.media.datasink.file | File DataSink. |
net.sf.fmj.media.datasink.rtp | RTP DataSink. |
net.sf.fmj.media.format | Additional Format subclasses defined by FMJ but not JMF. |
net.sf.fmj.media.multiplexer | General multiplexer implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.multiplexer.audio | Audio multiplexer implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.parser | General demultiplexer implementation classes. |
net.sf.fmj.media.processor.unknown | "Unknown" handler, used for general processing of most media. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol | General protocol handler implementations. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.civil | LTI-CIVIL video capture DataSource. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.file | File protocol handler DataSource. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.http | HTTP protocol handler DataSource. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.httpauth | HTTPAUTH (pseudo-) protocol handler DataSource. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.javasound | JavaSound DataSource. |
net.sf.fmj.media.protocol.rtp | RTP protocol handler DataSource. |
net.sf.fmj.media.renderer.audio | Audio renderer implementation. |
net.sf.fmj.media.renderer.video | Video renderer implementations. |
net.sf.fmj.media.rtp | RTP implementation. |
net.sf.fmj.media.util | FMJ implementation of classes that are in javax.media.util. |
net.sf.fmj.registry | FMJ registry (non-GUI) implementation, including loading and saving. |
net.sf.fmj.theora_java | OGG Demultiplexers (parsers). |
net.sf.fmj.ui | Entry points for FmjStudio an FmjRegistry applications. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.application | FmjStudio: Core application GUI. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.control | FmjStudio: Transport (play, stop, progress, etc) GUI. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.dialogs | FmjStudio: GUI dialogs. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.images | FmjStudio: GUI images/icons. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.objeditor | FmjStudio: simple "object editor" and validation. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.plaf | FmjStudio: A slider look-and-feel that is nice(ish). |
net.sf.fmj.ui.registry | FmjRegistry: Registry editor GUI |
net.sf.fmj.ui.utils | FmjStudio: utility classes. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.wizard | FmjStudio: Swing wizard classes. |
net.sf.fmj.ui.wizards | FmjStudio: specific wizard screens. |
net.sf.fmj.utility | Assorted utility classes |
FMJ: Freedom for Media in Java, an open-source alternative to/replacement for Java Media Framework (JMF).